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Intergalactic Coffee Roasters

Ethiopia Mokamba Bagersh Family

Ethiopia Mokamba Bagersh Family

Regular price $19.99 USD
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The Mokamba is a blend of coffees from three regions. Primarily, it's coffee from Kambata — a region known for the production of ginger — blended with special preparations from Sidamo and also Wolyata. The cherries, Arabica heirlooms, are farmed at altitudes ranging from 1,500 to 1,800 masl.

After harvesting, which takes place between October and December, the cherries are patio dried. The three green coffees are carefully balanced to create a harmonious natural–process profile, with hints of sweet berry, grape and chocolate, as well as a creamy body.

Captain's log cupping notes: Grapes, dark chocolate, sweet, berry, creamy body

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